Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Tonight we took the first of many loads of boxes over to the new house. As we were pulling out of the driveway to head back to the apartment I heard Miranda Lambert's "The House That Built Me" on the radio. I'm sure my hormones had a lot to do with the tears that began to flow down my cheeks, but I couldn't help it as I imagined the hundreds of memories that would take place within the walls of our new home.

I joke with Mr. King that we will be dying in this house because I never want to house hunt again. But the truth is I do want to raise my children under one roof for most of their lives. As a military brat I never really got that opportunity.

Our four boys have so much to learn and experience. I can't wait to watch them grow here. I can't wait to celebrate special events, especially our first Christmas! I want to enjoy those moments and soak in every moment because I know they will be over before we know it.

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