Saturday, April 12, 2014

Copycat Chick-fil-A Nuggets

My almost four-year-old, Thomas, could eat his body weight in CFA chicken nuggets if I would let him. At four bucks per kid's meal, that gets a little expensive, not to mention with some of the added stuff in fast food meals, I really don't like to give it to him that often. I was thrilled when I found a recipe online that seemed pretty healthy. The only prob: peanut oil. Since Brian and Dylan are mildly allergic to peanuts, I try not to take too many chances when it comes to peanut stuff and since we all eat the same meals, I wanted to make sure it was something we could all eat. The following recipe doesn't taste exactly like CFA because, well, I'm not CFA, BUT I personally think they taste better and are a bit healthier since they are cooked with canola oil.

Copycat Chick-fil-A Nuggets
1 egg
1 cup skim milk
1 pound boneless chicken breast
1 1/2 flour
2 1/2 tablespoons powdered sugar
3 teaspoons salt
2 1/2 teaspoons pepper
Canola Oil

Combine egg and milk in a medium bowl. Cut chicken into nugget-sized pieces and drop into milk mixture. Place chicken and mixture in refrigerator for a minimum of one hour. Longer is better, but one hour will work. In a one gallon bag, mix flour, powdered sugar, salt and pepper together. Shaking it should mix it pretty well and can be a simple way to get the kids involved in meal prep.
After the chicken is done marinating, place chicken in bag with flour mixture. Shake well and make sure all nuggets are coated with flour. If more flour is needed, sprinkle more into bag and add small increments of sugar, salt and pepper as well.
Place canola oil in medium to large and bring to medium high heat. I usually wait about 10 minutes and then place one test piece of chicken into the oil. If it starts to fry, it's ready. Continue to place chicken pieces in one at a time and be incredibly careful while doing so. Young kiddos should be far away from the frying station. The nuggets do not take long to fry so even while you are placing uncooked nuggets in, you will need to pull golden brown nuggets out.
Allow to cool before serving. These are very hot straight out of the fryer.

Enjoy! : )

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